Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room

feng shui living room Wallpaper

feng shui living rooms Make Good Use of the Bagua. For example, if your living room is in the south feng shui bagua area, then it is best to decorate your living room with colors of the fire and wood feng shui elements. This will guide you to colors like red , orange , yellow, purple, green , and deep brown to promote good feng shui energy. By The living room Feng Shui is related to personal wealth and health, as well as the peace and happiness of the whole family. 1. Light. First of all, the living room shall be sunny and bright. The bright living room will bring prosperous family luck to the family. feng shui living room With Ideal Focal Point. A good feng shui living room is serene, inviting and a peaceful retreat where you can slip off your shoes and relax. If you have a living room which is too big or too small or an irregular shape it will not allow the energy to flow. A good feng shui living room should not higher than the dining room and is located in the outer half of the home. Now, a feng shui living room is the one that has the ability to transform any type of Qi (extremely fast or dead slow) in to positive Qi (a steady and calmly moving one). The positive Qi is believed to attract wealth, health, good luck and lots of name and fame, which is – after all – what we all want to have. FENG SHUI LIVING ROOM: OVERALL VIBE. Wood Pieces – Feng shui living rooms tend to have a variety of wood items, from large furniture pieces to small décor details. Small and mid-sized wood pieces, such as photo frames and bookshelves, work well in the east and southeast parts of the living room. “Depending on which method of feng shui you are using, the best colors for your living room could be determined by the compass direction, the five elements, or the Bagua map method,” says Cerrano. “Let’s say your living room faces south. .

feng shui living room . The Living room is a space with yang energy . The living room should be bright, inviting and well decorated. It is a place where guests can congregate, and where the family can have a good time and enjoy each other’s company. Feng Shui Rules for Placing Mirrors in the Living Room Well, the living room is a space where we can place mirrors without too much of a hassle. The best position for a mirror is face to face with a window, but only when the image from outside is a beautiful, natural landscape. Feng Shui Living Room – Colors. Another simple way to choose colors for your Feng Shui living room is to follow the flying stars (飛星) of a particular year. According to the flying star theory, the most popular and powerful Feng Shui theory, there are 9 flying stars that relocate to different directions every year. Please don’t say that we can’t have a TV in the living room. In feng shui, there are private (yin) spaces, like bedrooms, and public (yang) spaces, like living rooms. A TV in a public space is OK. A television often becomes the focal point, which is fine if that’s what you want. But if the intention of the room is, say, to gather the family .

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